Advanced Jump Skills

Dog at agiity
Aiming to extend and expand your dogs jumping knowledge and skill. Some of these grids move on from core skills learnt in our first jump camp to help to challenge your dog’s understanding and give you more tools to help prepare your dog for clean and efficient jumping.

This camp also begins with a lecture, providing full explanations and videos of the new grids covered over the two days. This enables each handler to move into working sessions ready with points to identify in their own dogs and the ability to be able to help progress skills at home.

There is a total of 9 hours of working sessions with dogs and Q&A to round up.

£200 Working spot
£100 Spectator spot

Dog & Handler Requirements: Must have completed CQ jump skills camp

The next camp is scheduled for: 9th – 10th March 2020

Kings Equestrian,
Herefordshire, HR7 4SR

On site camping is included (please note camping is on hardstanding)

Dog Agility Training, Willow Tree Farm, Downington. Fairford Road, Lechlade, Gloucestershire GL7 3DL Telephone 01367 252828
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